Lots of Progress

Been busy the past couple of weeks.  The drywall was installed, taped, and spackled in about a week. We then let the tile guys do the tile, then the painters got their time.  Priming the total interior and doing the finish paint on the ceilings.   Now Rob’s guys are working on the trim.

Next week the trim should be complete and the hardwood floor will be delivered to allow it to climateize with the house.  The hardwood installation will be started on May 16.

On the home stretch now.

The local electric company continues to be non-responsive and keep delaying things.  We are beginning to believe the house will be done and no electric. Rob and I got so frustrated yesterday with a evasive answer to when they were going to set the new pole (scheduled for 5/9 for the past month) I sent notes to there complaint line; the US congressmen; the County Director of Freeholders; and my NJ State Senator & Representatives.  The Director of Freeholders and the Senator have already responded.

Clearing the woods on the top of the ridge for the solar arrays.   But Congress did do one thing last year: they extended the Solar PV tax credit to 12/31/2019.  That gives us some breathing room  to get the system installed. Checking with a friend living in a Passive House his energy usage for a full year was 6,500 KWH.  I expect ours usage to be close to his and that number is lower than our modeling. In NJ there is no advantage in installing a system the produces more than we use.


Some photos of the past weeks activity:

Dry wall prepDry wall prep 2


Tileing (1a)Tileing (1b)

Tileing (1)

Bathroom Tile:

Tileing (9)Tileing (6)

Doors Installed:Doors

Window Trim< in the works:

Window trim (5)Window trim (1) Window trim (2) Window trim (4)